From o neuroticima

Krenuo sam da tražim naslov i verovatno se podsetio još nekih zanimljivih stvari koje je izneo veliki EF
Kapiram da link ispod i citat ispod njega verovatno iz knjige “Bekstvo od slobode” jer je tu najviše i obrađivao taj problem ličnosti čak se dotakao dela koliko zapravo neurotik još uvek nije izgubio tu bitku sa samim sobom, dok su većina onih koji se smatraju normalnim delom društva u velikoj meri već izgubili tu bitku.
Sem toga i zanimljive psihološke opise o nekim istorijskim ličnostima zlotvorima, ali i mnogim drugima.

Like Horney, Fromm believed that even the most miserable neurotic is at the least trying to cope with life. They are, to use his word, biophilous, life-loving.

But there is another type of person he calls necrophilous — the lovers of death. They have the passionate attraction to all that is dead, decayed, putrid, sickly; it is the passion to transform that which is alive into something unalive; to destroy for the sake of destruction; the exclusive interest in all that is purely mechanical. It is the passion “to tear apart living structures.”

“A person who has not been completely alienated, who has remained sensitive and able to feel, who has not lost the sense of dignity, who is not yet “for sale”, who can still suffer over the suffering of others, who has not acquired fully the having mode of existence – briefly, a person who has remained a person and not become a thing – cannot help feeling lonely, powerless, isolated in present-day society. He cannot help doubting himself and his own convictions, if not his sanity. He cannot help suffering, even though he can experience moments of joy and clarity that are absent in the life of his “normal” contemporaries. Not rarely will he suffer from neurosis that results from the situation of a sane man living in an insane society, rather than that of the more conventional neurosis of a sick man trying to adapt himself to a sick society. In the process of going further in his analysis, i.e. of growing to greater independence and productivity,his neurotic symptoms will cure themselves.”
― Erich Fromm